Gift Membership another Great Holiday Idea
Looking for a unique Christmas present to bestow on that friend, family member, or neighbour with a history of being impossible to buy for? Rather than a pair of socks, mittens, tie, or tin of chocolates; might we suggest a Gift Membership in the Hastings Historical Society?
You’ll not only go down in history as an imaginative Santa, through your Gift Membership you’ll be supporting the Hastings Historical Society and helping us preserve and promote our community’s rich history.
Individual memberships are a Scrooge-like $15, ($20 for family memberships). To lend your support, simply send an e-transfer to Along with your name and e-mail address, please provide the name(s) and mailing address(es) of each Membership recipient.
If you have any questions, or would like to pick up your membership card(s), please call us at either 905-373-3116 or 416-578-9150. If it’s more convenient you can also message us at
Our 2024 Hastings Historical Society fundraising calendars have arrived and can be purchased at The Water Lily (8 Bridge Street North), Rivers Edge (9 Front Street East), and Hastings Home Hardware (13 Front Street East).
Stunning images of local scenic landmarks donated by Montse Alvarado. (Beautiful Images by Montserrat)
Thanks to everyone for supporting and preserving the history of Hastings.
Merry Christmas. And Happy History.
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