CAO Tracey Vaughan on Ian Davey
“It is with mixed emotions that I announced the upcoming retirement of Director, Ian Davey to our staff and Members of Council. Ian has been with the Town of Cobourg since 2002 and has served the Town since then with dedication for both staff and the community. Ian started his career with the Town of Cobourg as Manager of Finance in 2002, in 2006 he was appointed as Treasurer and in 2007 he moved into the position of Director of Corporate Services. Ian was an integral part of the Town’s movement through the COVID-19 pandemic when he took on the position of Interim CAO and brought the staff together in a time of disruption and uncertainty.
As Director of Corporate Services, Ian has led the Finance, Information Technology, and Building Maintenance departments and has managed the Northam Industrial Park portfolio which has been an exceptional addition to the Town’s assets and has provided a non tax based revenue source which has helped to advance projects and offset tax increases and debt. Ian has worked closely with several terms of Council and Community Groups. He has earned the respect of our residents and has been a trusted advisor for both staff and Council.
Ian’s expertise, dedication, and love for this community will be greatly missed at the Town of Cobourg. Ian has been instrumental in ensuring that the history of the corporation is acknowledged and understood to inform current and future planning. As Treasurer, he has committed himself to the responsible management of the corporation’s budget, ensuring the impact on our community and the citizens we serve is top of mind for every recommendation made to Council. His attention to detail and strong work ethic has made him a valuable member of the senior leadership team and his contributions will be missed.
Please join us in extending our sincere gratitude to Ian for his continued hard work and dedication to the Town of Cobourg. We wish him all the best in his retirement and know that he will enjoy his time with his family in both Ontario and Florida! Congratulations Ian!”
Cobourg info release/TAPhoto©2018
If you would like his job, here’s the Job Description Summary
- Key member of the Senior Leadership Team and responsible for managing all financial affairs of the Town including budgeting, property tax, accounting, asset management, payroll, and procurement.
- Provides professional guidance to Council and staff on all financial matters, ensuring fiscal accountability, sustainability and security
- Provide leadership, supervision and mentoring to staff within the Corporate Services Department to ensure excellent customer service both internally and externally
- Reporting to Ian are Finance, Building Maintenance, Information Technologies Departments but this may be changed for a new candidate.
- Responsible for Cobourg Northam Industrial Park
- Must have excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work effectively in a team environment and to exhibit courtesy, tact and diplomacy in dealing with the public, department officials and other members of staff.