Colborne Farmers’ Market Latest Addition to County Farmers Markets
Warkworth’s Farmers’ Market Opens Sat., May 28, 2022
“More young people are attending markets”
Article by Valerie MacDonald/TAPimages & TAParchiveimages
Above image: Campbellford Market Trent Hills Now File photo
A farmers’ market opening in Colborne this summer will join a variety of others already established in Northumberland.
Colborne Market
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” said Cramahe Mayor Mandy Martin about the Sunday morning market planned for Victoria Square in the centre of Colborne. It will operate from June to September, she said.
More young people are attending markets, noted Marin, a market goer herself. “They are going specifically for organic and fresh food…. They are making a conscience decision to go local.”
The change in demographics from primarily older market customers started with the pandemic because it was an activity people could do when so many other venues for shopping were closed.
“I think it’s great,” Martin said of the coming market.

Cobourg Market: archive image
From the Campbellford, Hastings and Codrington markets on the eastern side of Northumberland County to Cobourg and Port Hope on the western side, the change in customer attendance has been noted by those in charge of them.

Campbellford Market
“Young families moving to the area …. are new customers … and interested in healthy, local food,” Cobourg Farmers’ Market manager Laura Berman told the News Now Network. This includes people in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
“I’m really delighted,” Berman added.
The Cobourg market’s board and manager have been working closely with the Town of Cobourg staff and the HKPR Health Unit to ensure customers and vendors alike will experience a safe market.
There are already 32 weekly vendors in place for the May 7th opening. On the third Saturday of every month, between 12 and 15 artisans will join in, too, she said.
Port Hope Farmers’ Market committee member Pat Groves said their Saturday morning markets will begin the first Saturday in May and go to the last Saturday in October behind the town hall while the Wednesday markets will take place again near Gilmour’s Home Hardware on Toronto Road.
Like Berman, she said there are “a lot of families coming to the market now.”
Attending a Farmers’ Market is particularly educational for kids who are accustomed to grocery stores, she added. A beekeeper brings his bee demonstration kit to the Saturday markets which broadens their experience of where food comes from.
Editor’s Note: There has been a Hastings Farmers Market in the past and if announced for 2022 this article will be updated.
#cobourgfarmersmarket, #porthopefarmersmarket, #colbornefarmersmarket, #codringtonfarmersmarket, #trenthillsfarmersmarket

Port Hope Market: archive image