February 11, 2025

The Edville Gazette On Waiting For Ever

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Article by Hugo Blue

SAN ANTONIOThe world is anxious to know how a woman managed to survive after waiting four months for AT&T to provide internet service to her new home.

Lovie Newman endured what she calls a complete nightmareas each day passed in despair. Though she had scheduled an appointment well before moving in, AT&T stood her up, saying, its not you its me. When she tried to reschedule, into their cavernous bureaucracy she went, hopelessly redirected from department-743f to 956-h, catching only we missed youas way of an apology.

One can only speculate as to how she survived it all. Watching the same old DVDs on endless loopsshe can recite the entire script of Youve Got Mailany longer and she may have been forced to start reading books.

Its possible she received her daily news only by speaking to other people, or via newspaperswhatever those areand had to actually articulate her feelings instead of meme dropping.

Eventually fed up with the grievous situation, Newman sought satisfaction by hiring some muscle. She contacted a local reporter.

The AT&T Office of the President, aka OOP, contacted Newman immediately upon hearing from the journo, probably out of fear of being cancelled, and soon, voila, wires were being installed on her street.

Newman will return to full internet service just as soon as she reschedules her appointment.

Editor’s Note: An article from The Edville Gazette appears on News Now Network sites once a week. There is also a podcast for your listening delight




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