Most Innovative Award winner is the team of Dr. Eshay Elia & Jesse Brown (Crispy Pork Rib with a Chili Peanut Sauce) Photo submitted
More than $150,000 raised
Doctors’ Cookoff a fundraiser for Campbellford Memorial Hospital
Article by Sue Dickens/Photos submitted
Campbellford – Mon., July 10, 2023 – The goal of the 7th Annual Incredible Doctors’ Cookoff is to raise funds for the purchase of patient care equipment, support education programs and to assist the hospital in providing quality health care.
Your favourite doctors and culinary partners teamed up for an evening of food and fun in support of Campbellford Memorial Hospital!
The fundraiser happened the evening of Friday, July 7th and featured specially designed hors-d’oeuvres and drinks, entertainment, draws, silent auction and Fund-a-Need for the Hospitals
And the Winners Are…

Fan Favourite & Best Use of Local Produce ~ Dr. Kelly Parks & Ron Csenar (Wild Mushroom Poutine)
Best Presentation ~ Dr. Katie O’Reilly with Tim Chenette & Mark Andrade (Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream)
Most Innovative ~ Dr. Eshay Elia & Jesse Brown (Crispy Pork Rib with a Chili Peanut Sauce)
Judge’s Choice~ Dr. Doug Macklem & Liz Mutton (Caribbean Jerk Chicken Lollipop)
Last Meal Prior to Surgery ~ Dr. Paul Williams & Lindsay Westall
(Caprese Grilled Cheese)
Sponsor’s Choice ~ Dr. Geris Serran & Matt Chi (Crispy Chicken Spring Rolls)
I Need this Recipe ~ Dr. Bruce Bain & Joan Ferreria (Strawberry Shortcake)
Dish I Could Eat Every Day ~ Dr. Gwen Robertson & Ratchaneewan “Deng” Walther (Pad Thai)
#doctorscookoff, #mouthwatering, #cmh, #fundraiser