June 28 — 2 pm —Cobourg Council Chambers
Cobourg Municipal Council will participate in a two-day planning session on June 27 and 28 for the 2022 – 2026 Council Strategic Plan.
The Town of Cobourg has awarded the Strategic Planning contract to Capital Park Consulting who will facilitate the development of the Council Strategic Plan. During the strategic planning process, Council will host detailed discussions regarding the issues that are relevant to our community as well as anticipate future needs and potential gaps in services. The Council Strategic Plan in its final form should include realistic, attainable key activities to achieve Council’s strategic vision and goals which will inform operational actions and incremental milestones that need to be reached.
Prior to the meetings on June 27 and 28, members of Council will each participate in one-on-one discussions with the consultants. These meetings will provide the opportunity for Council to share community concerns and recommendations provided during their campaign trail and resident engagement. These insights will then be brought forward to the group discussion where Council will realize a plan of action, collectively for the community.
The strategic planning sessions on June 27 and 28 will consist of smaller working group sessions and round table discussions. As the program will include training and dialogue may involve personal matters about identifiable individuals and staffing, the agenda for the 27 and 28 will be presented to Council for closed session.
To ensure transparency and accountability, Council will meet in open session starting at 2pm on June 28 to provide an update on the discussions that took place in the earlier sessions and to receive questions from any participants in the gallery. The intent of the strategic planning sessions on June 27 and 28 is to develop the framework for a draft strategic plan that will return to Council for their review at a later date.
Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting in person, in Council Chambers starting at 2pm on June 28, 2023. Those who are unable to attend in person can watch from home via the Town of Cobourg eScribe website https://cobourg.ca/escribe The meeting will also be recorded and can be watched at a later date.