A happy return to normal
Images by Ted Amsden
Well, according to my Smile-O-Meter, quite a few old and young and every age in between were happy to see the return of Cobourg’s Annual Canada Day parade Saturday morning.
Cobourg Police and the Concert Band led the event along King Street, followed by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and town councillors.
There were smiling seniors waving from vehicles and flatbed trailers. Laughing people, young and old, carried banners representing their cultural and athletic affiliations. They shouted out to those on the sidelines.
The colour, red, was definitely the go-to colour of the day.
One of my favourite mascots, Sparky, fire department mascot, was on the job.
And just like parades before the pandemic, there were marching bands, people dancing, showing their skills.
And, that old dude on the Penny Farthing, obviously he didn’t lose his sense of balance when we were locked down.
Generally, there was a whole lot of flag waving, too.
After the parade, the official opening of the Waterfront Festival took place at the bandshell. Cobourg’s Town Crier and Town Poet Laureate were both in attendance.
This year there was a little change in the proceedings on stage with some members of the Concert Band leading the audience in a shout out for Canada Day.