February 8, 2025

Mayor Greg Burns?

Former Deputy Mayor Greg Burns Announces His Candidacy For Mayor Of Port Hope

It’s been a while since Port Hope has seen an incumbent mayor face a strong competitor.

If Mayor Bob Sanderson decides to run in the upcoming October election, is going to have some strong competition from Greg Burns who recently announced his candidacy.

At this point, our information is a press release he issued a few days ago in which he says there is an established pattern with the present Port Hope council of “ignoring the voice of the residents and ratepayers of Port Hope in every decision, large and small.”

Deputy Mayor, two term councillor, he goes on to list his involvement during his time in office: Chair of the Port Hope Pubic Library Board, member of the Port Hope Police Services Board, Rural Action Working Group, Centre of Excellence for Environmental Sustainability, Tree Advisory Committee, Fire Services Master Plan Working Group, and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority.

And, out of office, he mentions that in 2020, he co-founded an environmental advocacy group – PHorests 4 R PHuture Community Association Inc.,- known as Save Our Trees. And that he initiated a campaign last December to pressure Council to include funds in the 2022 budget for a long overdue Community Climate Action Plan. Plus he developed a Terms of Reference for the Action Plan, a 10-page roadmap for a community climate action plan.

His press release leads with the assertion that he will, “Listen. Then lead.”

Further into the release, he offers these quotes:

“We must get our voice back and re-establish community engagement as a normal, expected and healthy part of public discourse and municipal decision-making in Port Hope. This has been lost.”

 “As Mayor, my commitment is “to encourage and welcome an open and honest dialogue with the community and then to lead by taking action based on the input of the community.”

 “An effective leader understands that it is a sign of strength to welcome honest differences and new ways of thinking.”

 “We must rediscover the spirit and substance of listening to and hearing from each other, the satisfaction and joy of acting as a unified and informed community.”

 “Under the present leadership, this is now gone.”

The release also mentioned, “six foundational priorities” that will be the backbone of his administration. 

If you want to check out Greg’s campaign go to: (

Or contact him:”


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