February 14, 2025

13 Year Old Does It Again — Raises $ Doing Weird Stuff

Over $2,000 raised for Ed’s House

Chace Xavier has done another incredible job this year raising much needed funds for Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre.

Just in time for his 13th birthday, May 27, Chace Xavier raised over $2,000 for Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre.

To entice people to contribute to his fund raising efforts he accepted challenges donors threw at him: dying his hair pink, wearing a dress to school, enduring a condiment shower, shaving his head and having a one-man fashion show.

Over the past two years leading up to May 27, he has raised over $6,000 for Ed’s House.

Chace says he decided he would raise money to support Ed’s House because: “It’s local…I know it’s going to an amazing cause. I know that every single dollar raised will be put to good use.”

Despite a house fire disrupting his life recently, he said, “Everyone has helped us, so I want to help others like they did for us.”

Chace Xavier at Ed’s House 2022

Sherry Gibson, Director, Hospice Services says, “We are extremely thankful to Chace for his continued support and this year’s wonderful gift to Ed’s House. It was fun watching him complete his challenges to raise money for the continuing care of our residents and families. Chace is a thoughtful, inspiring young man!”

If you would like to help, please send donations to his mother’s email at or you can donate on the Ed’s House website

If you donate on the website, please put in the notes section Chace’s name, that way the family can continue keeping track of the total.

#CommunityCareNorthumberland, #Ed’sHouse, #NorthumberlandHospiceCareCentre, #northumberland, #volunteers, #chacexavier


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