February 12, 2025

Decommissioned Ambulance Donated to Habitat for Humanity
Decommissioned Ambulance Donated to Habitat for Humanity
County Working to Secure Additional Funding from Homelessness Prevention Program
County Working to Secure Additional Funding from Homelessness Prevention Program
Tribute to Former MP Kim Rudd on her Passing
Tribute to Former MP Kim Rudd on her Passing
Icy or Snowy Conditions Can Pose Additional Hazards
Icy or Snowy Conditions Can Pose Additional Hazards
County Approves First-Ever Three-Year budget
County Approves First-Ever Three-Year budget
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Goodbye from Trent Hills Now

Dear Trent Hills Now Community, It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to our dedicated readers, supporters, and the vibrant communities of

Trent Hills to See Partial Eclipse

2024 Total Solar Eclipse in Southern Northumberland County Region Be prepared to safely witness the magic of the solar eclipse. On Monday, April 8, 2024,


Goodbye from the News Now Network…

Dear News Now Network Community, It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to our dedicated readers, supporters, and the vibrant communities of


Goodbye from the News Now Network…

Dear News Now Network Community, It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to our dedicated readers, supporters, and the vibrant communities of


Staying Active In Alnwick Haldimand

$98,500 Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant Recently, MPP David Piccini cut the ribbon at the Haldimand Memorial Arena to mark the addition of new outdoor fitness



Holiday Train in Brighton

Raising money, food and food bank awareness WHEN: Tues., Nov. 27, 2023  from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. BRIGHTON) – On Tuesday, November 28, from


Goodbye from Trent Hills Now

Dear Trent Hills Now Community, It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to our dedicated readers, supporters, and the vibrant communities of

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